
Terri W. Richins

Energy work — like so many of God’s creations —
simply uses what a kind and loving Creator meant for us to have.


Helping Women Tap
Into Their Divine Self-Worth

My personal journey through pain, anxiety and fear may be similar to your own. As a wife, daughter, mother, and sister, I found myself dealing with depression and confusion. Even though I should have been happy as a wife, mother, daughter, and friend … I wasn’t.

So, I began to research. Nearly two decades ago, I discovered energy work. In my research, I learned that energy work — like so many of God’s creations — simply uses what a kind and loving Creator meant for us to have.


What Has Energy Work Has Done for Me?

Using energy work, I have overcome depression, anxiety, multiple fears, and so much more! Because of the change it made in my life, I wanted to help create change in the lives of other women. Energy work was something very new, and a little foreign, but I found it to be very intriguing and, most importantly, life changing.

Since then, I have become certified in SimplyAlign™ energy work, Foot Zoning, and Harmonic Lights.

Let’s see what Energy Work can do for you!


The Body Is Meant to Heal

The body heals best when it is in a relaxed state. 95% of disease is associated with stress. Foot Zoning, Energy Work, and Harmonic Lights all create calmness which brings balance and healing back into the body.

Body Spirit Balance Healing Process

The journey I’ll help you walk will be unique to you. Just as you are an individual, we will work together to prepare the whole you to become your highest and best self emotionally, spiritually, mentally and socially.

Each of the experiences I offer can be done ala’ carte, by themselves. But my clients usually find that receiving all I offer is most beneficial, as one session works with and amplifies the next.

A “full” session typically looks like this:

You’ll be welcomed into my studio, where I’ll give you a foot soak. Once you’ve been set up in the ionic foot bath, you’ll relax in a comfortable, peaceful environment, with soothing scents and sounds. Let the worries, cares and troubles of the world melt away. Relax and refresh!

Sounds good, doesn’t it?

Next, you’ll experience my expertise in foot zoning and harmonic light work. As I work with your feet, you’ll feel tension and aches melt away. The harmonic lights will help bring your body and soul into a relaxed chakra balance. I’ll also use my extensive knowledge of Essential Oils to bring appropriate ones for you into the session. We’ll talk a bit, and you’ll feel even more comfortable and relaxed.

Finally, we’ll start to talk. Using my decades of training in SimplyAligned™, together we’ll explore any issues or concerns or worries you might have, things you might be holding onto because you don’t even know they’re a concern. Is it worth it?